BHG Financial

Taco Bell

The World's Strongest Man: 2018 Philippines

Soffe Retail Store Branding & Advertisements

Soffe Spring 2018 Product Catalog

Bear Grylls Survival Challenge


Youth Speak Website

Pokemon 2014 Licensing Exhibit & World Championship

100th Rose Bowl Game & 2014 BCS National Championship

34th America's Cup – San Francisco 2013

FX "The Americans" Submarine

Magic The Gathering – 2013 PAX Exhibit Booth

Sitelines Rebrand

Canyon Design Group

Opposites Attract

Nice Cream


Natural Impression

Walter Foster – learn to draw mobile application

Long Beach Film Office – Advertising Campaign

Alka-Seltzer advertisements

Philip K. Dick book jackets


The San Diego Union Tribune Newspaper Redesign

Concepts, explorations & exercises
